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5:25 PM - Friday, Nov. 18, 2005
Friday Five
While browsing blogs I came across a neat idea similar to Fears Friday. It's the Friday Five. I'm going to start it off and hopefully some of yall will join me. I guess for now just copy and paste the questions into your own blogs. If anyone has any ideas for a better way to do it...linking them all together somehow...lemmie know!
Here ya go, questions are bolded:

Q:Explain why you started to journal/blog.

A:Well, most everyone knows my back-story, if not you can check out my links page and browse my old journals or just check out the condensed version here. It all started when I happened upon the journal of my husband's ex, aka "the box they came in". In it she told her side/version of things. Well, it was embellished and misconstrued to say the least. So I decided to begin writing my own journal to give a voice to my side of things. They say there are three sides to every story. Hers-well, I think she believes it, even her own lies, which is frightening to say the least. Mine-it's from my point of view so it is full of my own opinions and interpretations, but I never lied. The truth-only God knows for certain. Once I started journaling online, I found it very therapeutic. I never was able to stick to writing in a paper journal, so this is my outlet.

Q:Do people you interact with day to day or family members know about your journal/blog? Why or why not?

A:Other than people I work with, just about everyone I know knows about my blog. If I was going to say something I was ashamed of, I wouldn't say it on the internet! :P

Q:Do you have a theme for your journal/blog?

A:Uh...nope. It's whatever I feel like making it on that particular day. A place to vent, ramble on about nonsense, work out deep seated emotions, an avenue for meeting new friends or keeping in touch with old ones, and sometimes just a place to keep snips of things I like--lyrics, quotes,'s a catch all. It's all me though. You can get to know me very well by reading my journals.

Q:What direction would you like to have your journal/blog go in over the next year?

A:I'm happy with my content as it is. I would like to start learning more about HTML so I can pretty it up myself instead of begging Trista for help all the time! lol

Q:Five of your favorite journals/blogs.

A:Oh just look at my profile to see my faves.



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