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11:24 PM - Monday, Nov. 14, 2005
Judgmental People
I HATE judgmental people!

Ok, so hate is a very un-pc term. Since I'm speaking in generalities...well, mostly in generalities*wink wink*...I'll try to stay pc.

I LOATHE judgmental people!

Hey you! Yeah, you....judgmental person...chill the hell out! Make love not war! Give peace a chance! Let it be! Imagine...

It sucks ass to be hurt. Is attacking the one who hurt you the way to deal with it? For some people it is, and it is so very sad. Now that being said, if you happen to be the hurt-er and the hurtee has attacked you viciously, even after you have apologized sincerely and admitted your mistake, should you then turn the other cheek? Hell no. Then you should stand up for yourself.

Hurtees: Should you blather on for years about the same old crap? Using said crap to as eternal leverage to justify the consistent stomping of your feet and insistence on getting your own way? Should you use said crap to forever pass judgment on people from the high and mighty pedestal you've hauled your ass onto? Oh hurtees....refer to the above paragraph...chill the hell out!

Solution: Act like an adult in the first place!

It's late and I am tired. I got all worked up because my very best good friend made a mistake and is being judged too harshly for it--total overkill on the hurtee's part(from my been there, done that, felt that from both sides,perspective). I've been in her place as the one who made a mistake and is being judged and attacked(YEARS afterwards even!) and it's such an ugly place to be. Ugh....bad memories surfacing...time for sleep.



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